Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our trip to the zoo!

This last Saturday morning we spent some time at the zoo. It was a beautiful morning and it wasn't crowded at all. Delaney had a great time and loved being outside and looking at all the animals. It was some nice family time for all of us and we are very grateful to Mom and Dad McGuire for the annual pass so we can go as much as we want. Below is our attempt at a picture of all three of us, but it didn't quite turn out. That is why the rest are just of Delaney and I.
Enjoying our time at the zoo.

I think she had more fun with this plant than she had with the animals. We had a hard time prying her fingers off of it to move on.

Here she is trying to touch the sharks.

Watching the reindeer.

Measuring ourselves against the polar bears.

This was her favorite part of the zoo. She LOVED petting the goats. We will have to make sure to stop by there twice next time we go.

And just because there weren't too many pictures of Dan and Delaney...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Our little human beat box.

So, Delaney has been making some new sounds lately. I think she may need to expand her repertoire a little though.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Time to do the hair.

Well, it is necessary to do something with Delaney's hair now to keep it out of her face. We knew it wouldn't be long, but I finally had to do something this last week. She really never lost her hair and it is getting really long in the front. We tried little barrettes, but they couldn't hold her hair back for very long. She is a mover and a shaker and we had to find something a little stronger to keep it under control. So, here are the first pictures of our big girl with her hair pulled back.
I finally found some rubber bands that hold her hair without ripping it out when I take it out. She loves having it pulled back, but I think it makes her look older and it makes me miss my little baby.

This is what it looks like now when I do nothing. It is always in her eyes and she is always rubbing them.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Destructo Delaney

Sorry it's a little long, I was having trouble editing it so I just left it as it was.

Happy Labor Day!

We hope you all enjoyed your three day weekend!
This is our happy-just-woke-up-from-a-nap Delaney.

She is doing really well sitting up on her own. She is still learning that she can't throw herself backwards, but she enjoys the new perspective.

Delaney and her daddy.

(Thank you auntie Melissa for the cute shirt!)

Our little cutie pie.

Delaney and her sippy cup. She loves to play with it and chew on it, but she hates it when the liquid comes out. Kind of defeats the purpose, but we're working on it. She loves the cup and is getting more and more used to it.