Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hello again fever.

Delaney's nasty fever made a reappearance on Monday. I thought she felt warm during the night Sunday night, but I took her temp when she woke up on Monday and it was perfectly normal. I dropped her off at daycare and within 2 hours they called to let me know that she had a fever of 103. I called the doctor and they wanted to see her in the early evening. Poor little thing was pretty miserable once I got her home and shivered all through lunch. I was just hoping that the doctor would find something to explain this fever. Unlike last time when it could have been the shots, her cold, her ear infection, this time there were no other symptoms. She had been really fussy on Sunday, but that was it. We went to the doctor and he gave her a good look and said, "Well, I see one thing that could definitely explain this". Thank you! The verdict was: viral tonsellitis. He said it was the fourth case he had seen that afternoon. Tylenol is the only treatment to help with the fever and sore throat. She is back to her old self as of last night after a double helping of chicken and corn and is back at school today. Poor little thing has had a rough ride lately, but hopefully we can see a stretch of healthy here for a bit. I doubt it though with her starting a new daycare next week.
Oh, and the doctor also said her four top teeth are all pushing down right now, so her gums are probably very sore. Maybe one day one of them will actually pop through. We can only dream...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Delaney and her phone

Delaney has a little car with a phone that rings if you push it. One day when I pushed it to make it ring, she picked up the phone, put it to her ear, and said "Hello". She figured this out all by herself. Must be all those times I hold up the phone to her ear when her Grandma's call. Everytime I tried to get a picture of it or videotape it, she of course wanted nothing to do with it. She and I were having a really good playtime tonight and she was on a roll with the phone. So here it is.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

We hope everyone had a fun St. Patrick's Day! Delaney and I made sure to wear our green. Here are a few pictures of our Irish lass!
Standing on her own, eating a snack and making a face at the same time. Not an easy task.

Sitting in her big girl chair.

Trying to sneak some food out of the fridge...

And realizing she got caught...

Having fun at bathtime.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Little sicky again...

I haven't posted in a while and it is mostly because Delaney was sick and is just now getting back to herself. Right after her birthday, we took her in for her 1 year checkup. She got three shots and the next day woke up with a 104.5 fever. She has always gotten a fever from shots, but never this bad. I couldn't get it to come down, so the doctor wanted to see her right away. Of course, the fever dropped some by the time we got there, but she just was not herself at all. She was starting to get an ear infection so we were on antibiotics for a week for that. She also had a little bit of a cold, so between the shots, beginning of an ear infection and a cold, her fever was just out of control. They said if it didn't break in 48 hours to bring her back in. It broke about 46 hours later. Even though she got over the fever, she still hasn't been herself the last two weeks at all. I finally took her back in yesterday because of her irritability and she had been picking at one of her ears, but all was clear. They said it is probably just due to teething (which she is going through also). She has a really rough time with teething and one tooth was about to pop through last week, but it receded back up in there a little bit. It is like groundhog's day, I don't see a tooth, two more weeks of teething. Ugh.
But, we finally got our little D back last night. She finally perked back up and today she had her first good day at daycare since she went back after being sick. Anyway, to make a long post short, we are hopefully on the road to recovery and she can focus on those first steps which are coming quickly.

Trying to get our little fever monster to eat something. Applesauce, bananas, and formula was all we could get down her the first two days.
Our miserable little one.

We could get a few smiles out of her, but this is what she wanted to do all day long. Just sit and cuddle in the chair. Now, for anyone that knows Delaney, usually I can't get this kid to sit still for 2 seconds let alone cuddle. This was a big sign for us that she really was feeling pretty bad.

And here is one of our little girl finally feeling better last night.